Evernote’s Price Hike and where to from here…

Effective Faith
6 min readApr 29, 2023

Call this a response to latest news if you will but I have today read the recent update from Evernote and I have a response that I would like to make to it. I know what you are thinking….”Get in line pal” but here are my thoughts on Evernote’s price hike and where to from here.

You can read the latest update here.

The gist of what is said in that post is that firstly, Evernote are increasing their prices. Significantly increasing their prices. And secondly, they have some feature updates coming soon, notably with regard to AI usage.

Evernote’s Price hike

I want to get something out of the way right at the outset. I have no issue with an app raising it’s prices, in fact I expect it. There are many good reasons for an app to increase it’s subscription cost, reasons that I would fully support. For example, as cost of living and cost of production and costs generally rise owing to inflation, it makes perfect sense that an app would raise its prices incrementally over time to cover this cost. Also, an app may choose to enter the market with a low price point in order to gain more users and more traction. This would naturally be followed by a price hike later down the line.

However, Evernote’s update cites the main reason for the price increase being the release of new features. It explains the last price rise was in 2016 and since then so many new features have been added to the app to justify this. Here is my problem, the…



Effective Faith

How to live effectively as a Christian in the 21st Century