Decided to clap to get you to an even 300!
I agree with everything that you have said. One problem I have/question I have...
I see people trying to effectively replicate other apps in Notion by using databases and relationships to mimic functionality. But is this the best way?
For example... Is it really best to have one notes database for all of your notes? Or can you just use pages within pages?
Or separate databases for different things but linked by some other means?
My fear is that having these massive 'master' databases, they end up linking to so many other databases it gets ridiculous. Many of these links would be irrelevant most of the time.
For example, if you use a master notes database and have recipes as 'notes' within it, then a link to a meal planner could be created. This would be irrelevant for all your other notes but still there.
The same is true of notes in a project. You link your notes DB to your project DB but many of your notes may not relate to a project. Or notes on books etc etc
You end up with so many relations it becomes unwieldy.
So what's the solution?