A New name and New home…
So, the blog was really a non-starter. The name “Stuff Matters” was an interesting idea. The idea being that I would write about stuff that matters to me, notably theology, productivity and movies and so each strand of the blog would operate under its own identity e.g. Theology Matters. Therefore, stuff matters could continually expand as u explored new topics. There was also the play on words. Theology Matters in that we were discussing the matter of theology. Theology Matters in that theology is important. I loved it!
But to be honest, the blog needs focus. This is because I need focus in order to be disciplined.
So…we have a new name.
Effective Theology
That’s it. Effective because productivity can really mean getting stuff done but as a person who can crack out 100s of tasks a day but still be totally focussed on all the wrong things, I can be very productive, without being effective. And so, this blog will have a focus on effectiveness.
Theology because….Theology. I am convinced that as Christians, we need good and deep theology to be effective Christians with our lives, in our families, in the church and in the world.
Effective Theology
And we have a new home. WordPress was great and we may continue to publish there for now but I have a new Medium site and a new Substack newsletter. For now, I will explore publishing on both of these.
The aim is to publish weekly or more. We will have to see how this goes.